Privacy Policy

It is the core policy of GlowQueen to protect the personal information of its website users. We know very well about the ambiguities of users related to their personal data they share by registering and logging into the website. By ensuring the highest standards of privacy, we keep their personal details confidential.

The following policy will let you know about collection and usage of your personally identifiable information (PII) which includes your name, email and postal address etc. The information which you shared through the website will become a part of an online database and will be utilized for GlowQueen’s website solely. This privacy policy is applicable to GlowQueen’s website users only and the services which are provided through this medium.

  • We just need personal information of users to provide them the mentioned products.
  • We don’t require your redundant details and there will be no violation of information which has been shared with us.
  • We don’t carry out any activity of spreading, selling and trading user’s personal details without their permission. If sharing of information with the third party takes place, then it will be under sheer requirements which would be approved by the state law.

Information We Collect?

GlowQueen also gathers personally identifying information (PII) from the website which may consist of name, email, phone number, home address and browser type etc. Other website handlers also conduct this practice. We accumulate this information for gaining an insight on the user behavior when they surf the website for any specific product or service. The reason to accumulate this information is to provide a better user experience by determining any specific user’s identity.

PII Protection

It is our unfaltering pledge to secure and respect your digital privacy. We implement crucial measures to save our website users’ details placed in our system. Our users’ digital privacy protection is our main concern for which we do not compromise, never ever!

We provide substantial consideration to guard and protect the personal and general information of the website users from unauthorized contact, violation, alteration and unjustified data sharing. Individuals visiting GlowQueen can be asked to share their personal information. For example, to complete the registration form with an email address and password or any other information like delivery address considered mandatory to process the order.

No matter the action a user takes on the website, we just collect vital personal details essential for improving our products and service quality and therefore user satisfaction. With this information, we also confirm the user’s identity which is a mandatory practice to restrict any fake user and the fraudulent activities. A user who doesn’t fill in the mandatory information will not be able to utilize the website’s features completely and eventually not be entitled as GlowQueen’s customer. We share user data only when it is highly required by employees, contractors and affiliated bodies for any mandatory service. Under non-disclosure agreements, we don’t reveal our user’s information to third parties or the public. We will have to disclose PII (personally identifying information) in case of any court order or if any government entity is involved and asks for it for any legal purpose.

Privacy Policy Updates

GlowQueen keeps on updating its current privacy policy from time to time with the owner’s choice. It is recommended for the users to visit this page weekly to know the latest information. If you have any concerns, then please interact with us at +92-321-9666526

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